PM Forum

A visual identity for a flagship professional services conference


PM Forum is the world's largest and fastest growing community for professional services marketers, with over 3,000 members in accounting, law, property, management consulting, architecture, engineering and other types of professional firms. 

PM Forum’s flagship event is its annual conference. The organisation needed a bold look and feel for its conference collateral and microsite that would not only be impactful but also differentiated from its membership publication covers.


We worked closely with the Founder & Chief Executive, Conference Creator and Head of Marketing to define a visual identity that ticked all the boxes.

With the agreed theme of the conference as ‘Harness the power within your firm: delivering stellar marketing & client value in tough times’, our concept visually explored both the release and harnessing of creative energy held within a firm's teams to deliver the best they can be by working together efficiently and effectively. The imagery showcases the power of our minds and its futuristic and almost robotic aesthetic can also be interpreted as the collective brain power of a future professional services firm with team members working with energy and in sync with each other towards a shared goal.


The conference programme and microsite were launched in early June. A full page advert promoting the conference will be in the next edition of ‘PM’ magazine.

The PM Forum team is delighted with the result:

“I think the end result looks fantastic! This year marks a real step change in our conference communications.”

Sam Davies, Conference Creator, PM Forum